My 'Thin'g

I meet different people - at office, outside office, at school, during weddings etc; etc;. All have a common thing to say - I am super thin. Sometimes I get confused whether to take the say as a compliment or to look at my body in awe.
I have never thought of being thin or fat or normal or perfect as a choice. I have always been thin - as back as I remember. But the norm is that its ok to be thin when young. But its not ok to be thin when you are old - especially after a kid ! Seriously how can I be so thin !
I wonder at the type of questions people ask me - No, actually I wonder at their blunder in asking questions. Well, when there's lot of blunder in the questions, I don't really talk back. But one day if I were to talk back, Guess what would go in their way!!
Q: Do you eat at all ?
Me: No, I haven't heard of that verb. Have you heard of the verb called living by breathing?
Reality: I eat nicely - crazy of sweets lately. I do get chocolate cravings in the middle of my work.
Q: Do you get your size at all?
Me: I hire designers to get my size.
Reality: If I am late during sale, its hard to find my size. Guess why - its the college goers size
Q: Do you know that men like women with curves?
Me: Really? I thought Men like women with brains. My husband is a lucky fella.
Reality: How are the curves measured - sideways or front and back ways? Well, watermelon has a nice smooth curve !
Q: You seem to have put on weight - by grams !
Me: You see, somebody on the earth has to maintain the balance.
Reality: Look at selves !
Q: How did you master the art of living by smelling food?
Me: Just like you mastered the art of talking profanity.
Reality: Every time I look at people eating junk, I smell obesity.
Q: Yoga? Please , you will vanish away.
Me: Do you really understand the difference between being fit and being non-fit? Excuse me, which school was it that you passed from?
Reality: What is life without any workout? 
Q: OMG, I had that kind of dress in my school !
Me: If you promise me that you wont faint, I will tell you that its the dress from my school.
Reality: Yes, I do have some from my school
Q: Were you this thin during your wedding? How did your husband marry you?
Me: I was thinner than this by few grams. You see I vary in grams. My husband cried in buckets to marry me.
Reality: My husband saw the true me, you see that's what marriage is all about
Q: You are becoming thin day by day
Me: Thanks for observing me every day. I am quite busy to look at myself to check the grams addition or minus.
Reality: 50 it is , my norm
Q: Look at the size of the lunch box you carry !
Me: My lunch box has meals. Forget it, you will be naïve to what Meals means.
Reality: Did you ever think of the size you carry of your own?
Q: I don't want to be as thin as you.
Me: Have you heard of Uninvited guests?
Reality: Who cares?
Q: Are you taking part in Miss size Zero?
Me: When many 2 digit sizes are around me, I am of course size Zero or even minus.
Reality: How many actually know the meaning of size Zero?
My resolution for 2017 - Positivity ! So, I wont give any of the Me's above. But if you are a person with any of the Q's above, you have your answer and are also spared for 2017 ! 
Happy 2017 !



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