
         Kaise yeh paheli haaye..kabhi to hasaaye, kabhi yeh rulaaye..
         What a riddle it is..sometimes it makes us laugh, sometimes it makes us cry.

Off late, to an extent, I was intensely trying to find out the meaning of life. I got innumerable definitions for Life. I did think about the definitions and have had my own reasons for spurning them :) Here are few of them with my reasons to spurn them. 

1. Life is a cycle that repeats every 5000 years
Spurning reason:
Sounds interesting; when I think of me writing this blog again and again every 5000 years, when I think of me daringly dumbingly going to write the Communications paper in Engineering knowing for sure that I wont pass and then I see that I have just passed, every 5000 years;
Sounds terrible; when I think that Madhavan is married and having kids, by the time I know that he exists, every 5000 years; when I think that my Mom will not allow me to perm my hair when I want my hair permed so madly when I am young, every 5000 years;

2. Life's only to Remember God, and nobody else
Spurning reason:
Being an Atheist in disguise, If I try to remember God, I end up remembering everybody except God

3. Life's Nothing
Spurning reason:
Its hard to cope up with everchanging definitions to fill up nothingness

4. Life's a Play
Spurning reason:
If we are all actors and have specified roles, why do we delve into our roles so much?

So, I came up with my own definition of life - Life's Life itself...
Whatever is life to you, it is..Whatever is life not to you, so is - A coin of antonyms, a rollercoaster, Neem & jaggery..

Life's changing..

From v tv to CNN, Mills & Boons to Business Maharajas, 7.30 alarm for 8 class to 5 alarm for 7.30 office, picking up packed lunch to cooking and packing, Granny's handwritten recipes to Mammuskitchen, Helmet to Seatbelt, Pen pals to Facebook pals, Pranks to responsibilities, Kgs to Cholesterol levels, Pocket money to monthly salary, Late night gossips to early morning aerobics, Tardy sheets to Appraisal sheets, Dreams to realities, Byes to GoodByes...

Around the froms and tos, glued are string of diversified people, avalanche of situations, etching moments, the maturing mind...

They say Age is the high price to pay for maturity. With age comes the changing life. With changing life comes the Maturity.

The quest attains its own salvation for each body.

To be alive to the experiences of life, this one from William Purkey is always worth a live,,
"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.”

Its not necessary to know our expiry dates to live life as moments than as milestones..
Hug it, its your own life, live it, its for your own sake..

Here are the words of the song from Anand, that movie which I prescribe once in a lifetime must watch melodrama..

Zindagi ...kaisi hai paheli, haaye
Kabhi to hansaaye kabhi ye rulaaye

Kabhi dekho man nahi jaage peechhe peechhe sapno ke bhaage
Ek din sapno ka raahi chalaa jaaye sapno ke aage kaha

Jinhone sajaaye yaha mele sukh-dukh sang-sang jhele
Wahi chunkar khaamoshi yu chali jaaye akele kaha

Zindagi ...kaisi hai paheli, haaye
Kabhi to hansaaye kabhi ye rulaaye


Sushma said…
DIrecotr does give you the role, but its you who have to perform it to the best way u can.. Nice post Lavi.. and what i have learnt in my life so far is not to take it very seriously, it has its weird sense of humor.. :-)
Lavanya said…
Sush..I totally agree with u. It has got its own sense of humour, I call it the evilish sense of humour :)
Chaitran said…
Liked the way you have put it together. One of your good works as usual.
My recent experiences taught me that it is also to adopt and evolve with the things. [In ones own way]

Looks like sooner or later you would write a book on these complex things in a simple way for us. ;-)
So, what motivated you in bringing up this post.
Lavanya said…
Just like to put things that come in my mind :) Motivation for anyone is always to know that there is somebody who appreciates what he/she is doing :) Isnt it? :)

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